Vaping: The New Teenage Rebellion

Vaping: The New Teenage Rebellion

“Look past the smoke and mirrors of vaping.” – The FDA’s Real Cost Campaign Teens and rebellion have had a strong, enduring relationship. Throughout many generations of history, this pairing has manifested in various forms: sneaking out, smoking, drinking, dancing,...
Staying Socially Connected During COVID-19

Staying Socially Connected During COVID-19

“We are all connected, and we are all one.” – Rhonda Byrne Humans are social creatures. We’re programmed to seek out connections with other people whether our tendencies are extroverted or introverted. Born helpless, our biological systems first drive us to forge a...
Move On by Moving Out

Move On by Moving Out

“Life goes on whether you choose to move on and take a chance on the unknown, or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could’ve been.” – Unknown Is it possible to move on with life by moving out? Can people actually thrive in these circumstances? While in...